In the original times, we women were mothers of peaceful cultures, that centered a profound honor for life, where feminine dones, gifts, and talents guided and led the internal and external configuration structures. We, women, are knowledgeable of otherness and of what the world needs because we carry la memoria de parir, the memory of giving birth, whether we have biological children or not. A healthy woman, who has become conscious with impeccability of her internal processes. [a woman] Who has made a real elaboration of her sombra, shadow, and uses her creative power for her own healing and that of others, can put herself at the service of birthing a new culture through her mamahood sovereignty: birthing a project of her mente-corazón-cuerpo, mind-heart-body at the service of her soul and the soul of the collective.
Soon the anthology will be available in eBook version through Amazon, you can get a hard copy with the following authors.
- Adriana Rodríguez
- Erika Murcia
- Gabriela Hernández Bautista
- Irery Velasco
- Juliana Ceballos
- Laura D. Garzón Torres
- Laura San José
- Luz Angela Reyes
- María Elena Aguilar
- Melissa Levrero
- Compiladora: Lili Diaz
- Editora: KarinaFalcón
Print in México
I.S.B.N 978-607-97681-4-0
Date published: Marzo, 2021
Classification IBIC: DQ
Format: paper
Pages: 110
I.S.B.N 978-607-97681-4-0
Date Published: Enero, 2022
Classification IBIC: DQ
Format: ePub
Pages: 110
Mamahood Sovereignty: The Reclamation of The Original Heartbeat of The Womb
Anthology Of Texts
Editorial: Carpa Lunar ©2021
Compiler: Liliana Diaz & Karina Falcón
Themes: Mamahood Sovereignty, Intimacy of women’s home life, Religious of Women’s home life, Religion of the Goddess, Anthropology & philosophy of the Goddess